The Emotional and Psychological Impact of Infertility
I have a unique interest in helping individuals, and couples struggling with infertility issues.
Working with LGBTQ community as a Infertility Psychologist Syosset
The desire to have children is for most people innate and only a matter of time. The drive to have children is unique to each individual and is driven by factors both in and out of our awareness. We are influenced by family, friends, society and cultural norms and traditions. Whatever the fantasy or myth, for most of us there exists a basic human need to procreate and leave an aspect of ourselves behind when we are dead.
Psychologists understand the impact on relationships is huge as both partners struggle to understand their individual thoughts and feelings as well as each others. Women often describe feeling guilty that they cannot provide partners, parents, friends, even siblings with the much anticipated, wanted and expected off spring, fearing that those relationships will be lost to them in the process. Men often describe feeling helpless and angry that they cannot ‘fix’ the situation. In other words their need to protect and provide is threatened. This is where a Infertility Psychologist can help you.
Infertility treatments, as much as they are seen as invaluable and are widely experienced as being sensitive and individually tailored, are also experienced as being physically and mentally intrusive, invasive and painful, full of their own anxieties, hopes and fears. If there is to be no pregnancy then the sense of loss and grief and the sadness experienced by both men and women can feel insurmountable.
It is always helpful to think of expression as the opposite of depression. By ‘letting out’ rather than ‘pushing down’ our feelings, we give them somewhere to go.
Please contact me to get more information about dealing with Infertility.